Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Beer Review: Thrones!

It's finally back. After an uncomfortable long break, the hit HBO series "Game of Thrones" has returned for a third season. As if this wasn't great enough, HBO has come together with Brewery Ommegang to create a series of Game of Thrones inspired beers. The first of these beers, Iron Throne, was released a couple of weeks ago. Plenty of time to secure some for the season premiere.

Brewery Ommegang Iron Throne - 6.5% ABV
Belgian Ale
Special Release
750 mL bomber poured into a trappist glass
Bottled 02/15/13

Appearance - Pours a cloudy, dull yellow with a big, thick, fluffy white head. Very slowly dissipates to a tiny white film; just a bit of lacing.

Aroma - As expected, traditional Belgian characteristics -- spices and fruit.

Flavor - Starts out very predictable -- light, refreshing, spicey -- but then a strong lemon flavor comes in on the backend that is really excellent. This was a nice surprise and a wonderful compliment to the standard Belgian flavor profile.

Mouthfeel - Pretty full bodied, a bit unexpectedly so, lots of carbonation and pretty dry.

Overall - I'm normally not a big fan of the style; they remind me too much of Belgian tripels, of which I'm also not a big fan, but this one was a very pleasant surprise. An excellent companion for the series opener.

Drink On,


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