Tonight I bring you a list of beers to add to your rotation. I've broken them down into a few different categories: Winter Seasonals, Spring Seasonals and everything else. Additional details and comments will be provided where necessary. Without further ado
Winter Seasonals:
Bell's Expedition Stout - Imperial Stout
Bell's Hopslam - Imperial IPA
Dogfish Head Hellhound On My Ale - Imperial IPA, brewed with lemons.
Dogfish Head Worldwide Stout - Imperial Stout, total beast, normally clocking in around 18% ABV.
Founders Imperial Stout
Founders Double Trouble - Imperial IPA
Oskar Blues Ten Fidy - Imperial Stout
Sierra Nevada Celebration - IPA
Troegs Nugget Nectar - Imperial Amber/IPA
Victory Hop Wallop - Imperial IPA
Spring Seasonals:
Bell's Smitten Golden Rye - Specialty Grain/American Pale Ale, this is a new seasonal and I cannot wait to give it a try.
Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA - Imperial IPA, another beast from DFH 18%+, released a few times a year, February is the first batch of 2013.
Dogfish Head 75 Minute IPA - IPA, a blend of 60 and 90 Minute IPA with maple syrup, bottled for the first time last year, another excellent offering added to the DFH arsenal.
Founders All Day IPA - IPA, this will be a new one for me (should I be able to find it) but looks like the perfect session IPA, can't wait to try it.
Green Flash Palate Wrecker - Imperial IPA, the name says it all, this is an absolute must have.
Lost Abbey 10 Commandments - Belgian Strong Ale
Southern Tier Eurotrash Pilz - Pilsener, just had it for the first time and I'm hooked.
Stone Imperial Russian Stout (IRS) - Imperial Stout
Special Releases, Coming Soon and Everything Else:
Bell's Black Note Stout - Imperial Stout, blend of Expedition Stout and Double Cream Stout then aged in bourbon barrels. This is an absolute whale and one I continue to chase, unfortunately I've never even seen it in person. Not sure if this will be the year but I will have this beer.
Brooklyn Black Ops - Imperial Stout, not sure if there is an actual release schedule for this beer, it seems like they try to keep it under wraps for the most part feeding into the whole black ops theme. It's really good and truly unique, grab it if you see it.
Firestone Walker XVI - American Strong Ale, this one nearly left me speechless. Incredibly limited and produced only once. Eight barrel aged beers are blended together to create something that words cannot do justice. I think this is probably the best beer I have ever had. If you come across this one buy every single bottle you can.
Founders Doom - Imperial IPA, this is Double Trouble aged in bourbon barrels. Really interested to see if an IPA works this way.
Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout (KBS) - Imperial Stout, another white whale that I continue to chase.
Maine Beer Mean Old Tom - Stout, aged on vanilla beans. This one made the list because it is the most recent offering I've had from Maine Beer Company. If you see any of their beers, snatch them up. This one was as expected, perfect.
Samuel Adams Double Agent IPL - Premium Lager, here's something I've been waiting for, an India Pale Lager. Was very excited to stumble across this guy, a cool idea that turned out very nice.
Sierra Nevada/Dogfish Head Rhizing Bines - Imperial IPA, two great brewers and another fine collaborative brew.
Victory Red Thunder, Oak Horizontal and White Monkey - three new barrel aged beers by Victory, Baltic porter, barely wine and Belgian trippel respectively. The first two are currently available with White Monkey being released March 2, 2013.
Yards Trubbel De Yards - Belgian Strong Ale, I've been seeing this one popping up all over the place, its a seasonal release that is only released every other year. Hoping to get my hands on it before it's gone.
Some of these beers are hard to find, some are readily available, but they are all worth picking up. These are all beers that are currently living in my mind, there are many more that could definitely make this list and for that reason I will be posting some sort of watch list every 2-4 weeks. Happy hunting!
Drink On,
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