Starr Hill Double Platinum - 8.5% ABV
Imperial IPA
Rotating Availability
12oz bottle poured into a pint glass
Bottled 10/11/12 (pretty cool, right?)
Appearance - Amber with a thin white head. Decent retention and great lacing.
Aroma - Lots of hops, very citrusy -- grapefruit, oranges
Taste - Flavor is nice. Lots of hops but with some balance. Oranges, grapefruit and a good bitterness that lingers beyond the finish.
Mouthfeel - Medium body, average carbonation and a bit of a tingle from the hops.
Overall - I'm not going to lie, my inner beer snob came out a bit and I was a little leery when I saw that it was a twist off cap, but I'm glad I reserved any true judgement until after tasting. This was a really nice beer, good hop flavors and a great hoppy nose. This is why beer club is so perfect, who knows when I would have had this otherwise? It's possible this could be even better a little closer to the bottling date, but I was very satisfied with this one.
Overall 3.5/5 Style 3/5
Just a little additional anecdote, one thing that was tough for me about this one is it's classification as an Imperial IPA. With boundaries constantly being pushed and styles always evolving I think it may be time to expand the IPA and Stout categories specifically by creating a third tier. Meaning their should be IPA, Imperial IPA and Double Imperial IPA or something to that effect. I plan on doing a bit of research about this and putting up my argument sometime in the near future. Until then
Drink On,
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