Monday, March 18, 2013

Beer Review: A Truly Off-Centered Ale

Sam Calagione is as innovative and fearless as they come. He never stops looking for new techniques, new ingredients and new ways to update or improve old recipes and traditional styles. When I picked up a bottle of one of their barley wines -- Immort Ale -- I knew that any preconceived notions I had about what to expect should be immediately dismissed.

Dogfish Head Immort Ale - 11% ABV
Barley Wine
Rotating Availability
12 oz bottle poured into a pint glass
Bottled 01/13

Appearance - Clear, reddish brown with an off-white head that lingers.

Aroma - Smells sweet; oak, vanilla, maple and smoke.

Taste - Up front it's all smoke, almost overwhelmingly so. A lot of sweetness underneath -- vanilla and berries. As it warms the flavors balance out a little better and it's much more enjoyable. There is almost no alcohol in the flavor which is surprising since it's 11% and only 2 months from bottling.

Mouthfeel - Fuller body, well carbonated and slightly warming.

Overall - I am a bit torn on this one. I really enjoy a lot of the flavors here but the heavy smokiness is just a bit much for me. I do like a bit of peaty/smokey flavor but this was really extreme and I feel like it should have been more of a complimentary flavor than the standout. That being said it was still pretty cool and definitely unique. I certainly won't be buying this every time I see it, but I will go back to it again at some point and might age a few to see how it changes.
Overall 3/5 Style 2/5

Drink On,


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