Sunday, February 17, 2013

Issue #16: Eurotrash

Pilseners are often overlooked, probably because the most well known pilseners come from the big boys. Bud, Miller, Coors, Heineken, Stella Artois, etc, etc, etc. The market has been flooded with pilseners, unfortunately, most of these beers are watered down and bland leaving the style with a bad reputation. As it turns out, high quality pilseners are actually very flavorful and may cause you to reevaluate how you feel about the style entirely.

Southern Tier - Eurotrash Pilz - 5.2% ABV
Spring Seasonal
12 oz bottle poured into a pub glass
Bottled 01/04/2013

Appearance - Pours a bright golden color, crystal clear, with a medium fluffy white head.

Aroma - Slight hoppiness, grassy and sweet malts.

Taste - Taste follows the nose, sweet and malty with a very subtle hop flavor. Smooth, crisp and clean. Very nice.

Mouthfeel - Pretty standard, average carbonation, slightly fuller body.

Overall - This is a prime example of a true quality pilsener. It's light and refreshing but full of flavor. Extremely drinkable and a perfect beer for the start of spring. 4/5

Drink On,


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